She uses paint, clay, cement, glass, and many other mediums that catch her attention. Most of her works are part of a series. Grace works in various series at a time, and as such most of them might have new work added to them at any point in time. At the moment she is working on commission murals, new sculptures- some of which can be found in the new gallery at Keller Estate Winery in Petaluma, CA-, as well as two different series of paintings.
New art is added to the page all the time, so make sure to subscribe. If you’re interested in buying or commissioning a piece please go to our Contact Page, the artist is always happy to hear from people who enjoy her work.
At my Studio.
Everything around us is wavelengths, from sound to color.
I believe they play a big part in our emotions.
Different wavelengths - color in this case - gets a different answer from each viewer.
I use music as to inspire my emotions and flow with them, I let the freedom of creation take the paint where it wills, it flows with the rhythm of harmony and rhythm. I have created a correspondence between the harmony of music and the harmony of colors. To me is fascinating to see and hear the correspondence.
Music and nature are ephemeral but the visual art lasts.
Art can be appreciated by the many and not in a single moment but in an infinite number of moments in the now.
Curriculum Vitae
Individual Exhibitions
-“La Armonía de la Música Reflejada en el Color” , Casa Tomada, México city 2004.
-“The Color Of Music” Keller Estate, Petaluma Ca ,2006
-“Un Estudio de Armonía” Restaurante 21, Tlalpan , México 2007
-“La Cera y el Color” Galería Omoa, Mexico city
-ARTE-ARTESANO “ Explosion de la realidad” , Museo de arte Popular 2009
- “The Race” door forged in iron and vitrofusion, The Pyramids CA, 2010
-“Rutas Alternas” Intersticios .Espacio Mexico, Galeria Consulado de Mexico, Quebec, Canada, 2010
“La Mujer Dormida despierta” Quinto Premio Nacional de Plata, escultura 2010
-“The Seasons” seven doors forged in iron, copper and vitrofusion for the
Pyramids museum at Keller Estate, Ca 2011
-Spirit Of Art in Vienna “ Jazz Collection” , MOYA museum of Young Art, july 2012
-Symphony of Colors “ Movement and Color” La Galleria Pall Mall, London 2012
-“ Doors, the Automobile History” forged doors in iron, copper,brass and glass, The Pyramids, California, 2013
-“Frozen Music”K.Gallery, Bratislava, Slovenia, 2013
- Gallery , Rottweill, Germany 2014
- “the Illusion of Reality “ Bologna, Italy, 2014
-“L’Arte Del Futuro Nelle Sale del Passsato” IL Collezionista, Piazza del Popolo, Roma 2015.
-“Frozen Music” Keller Estate Winery. Petaluma, California, 2016- 2017.
-Symphony of Colors “ Movement and Color”. Petaluma, California, 2018-2019.
- “Garden Divas” Keller Estate Winery. Petaluma, California. 2020-2021
-1969-1972 Studied drawing and painting oil and watercolor with Ana Landin.
-1974-1978 Studied portrait and human figure drawing, acrylic and silk-screening at
Dana Hall School, Boston, Mass
-1978-1983 studied Architecture at the Universidad La Salle, Mexico City.
-1983-1988 Centro de Artes Plásticas, Coyoacán, México
-1990-1993 Composition,materials and painting with Walter Bolsterly, Mexico City.
-Workshopwith Gilberto Aceves Navarro, Queretaro, Mexico 1994
-WorkshopDrawing with Luis Arguidin, Mexico City 1995
-Seminar of composition at Centro Nacional de las Artes, Mexico City 1995
-Workshop, color with Roger von Guten,Tepoztlan, Mexico 1996
-Workshop, color with Arturo Rivera, Queretaro, Mexico 1997
-Printing at Luis Camnizter studio in Lucca, Italy 2009
-Printing studio Progetto Ecate, Lago di Como, Italy 2010.
Collective Exhibitions:
_Dana Hall Art Gallery, Boston Ma 1977
-Colegio de Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, México City 1987
-Anual Exhibitions Circulo Francés de México, México City 1989-20010
-Grupo Arte Caballete y Pintores, Diprodina A.C. México city 1994
-“Inquietudes” Benemérita sociedad Mexicana Movimiento Artístico Siglo XXI
México city 1995.
-Auction “Por Amor al Arte”, Mexico City 1999
-Auction “Centro Nacional de Salud”, Mexico City 2000 and 2001
-“Two Forces “itinerant exhibition San Francisco, Ca, and Dallas TX, 2004
-“ Sinfonía” Casa de la Cultura “ Jesus Reyes Herodes”, Coyoacan, Mexico 2006
-Petaluma Valley Hospital, Petaluma CA, 2008
-Riverside Art Gallery, Petaluma, CA 2008
-Arte/sano/artistas, Museo de Arte Popular, Mexico City 2009,” Explosion de la Realidad “painting and glass
-Quinto Premio Nacional de la Plata 2010 “La mujer Dormida Despierta 2010”
- “Retrospectiva”. Galeria Samara. Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico. 2022-2024.